Ted Lipien for Cold War Radio Museum News reports that Poland, in the latest Russia-West prisoner swap, handed over an alleged Russian spy, who had worked for the Voice of America (VOA) as one of its freelance journalists, exposed some of the...
Stalin Peace Prize laureate Howard Fast has been erased from the history of the Voice of America, but an honest analysis of his Soviet agent of influence role as the station’s first World War II news chief could help VOA confront propaganda...
Disinformation governance by government propaganda experts can be dangerous, judging by the record of the early officials in charge of the Voice of America and journalists duped by Soviet propaganda. Voice of America, New York, QSL card circa 1940s...
April 13 marks the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Katyn Massacre – the brutal killing by the Soviet security service NKVD of nearly 22,000 Polish military officers in 1940 when Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany were still allies after their...