Cold War Radio Museum One of several Communists who turned anti-communist and exposed Soviet influence at the Office of War Information, the parent U.S. government agency of the Voice of America, was Oliver Carlson, an American writer...
Stalin Peace Prize laureate Howard Fast has been erased from the history of the Voice of America, but an honest analysis of his Soviet agent of influence role as the station’s first World War II news chief could help VOA confront propaganda...
Cold War Radio Museum THE OFFICIAL U.S. RADIOThe Voice of America must ever be conscious of the fact that it bears a great responsibility in being, and in everywhere being recognized as, the official radio of the United States Government. As an...
Mark Pomar’s new book about the Cold War political radio could help American government officials unfamiliar with the history of U.S. international broadcasting. By Ted Lipien Mark Pomar’s book Cold War Radio [Mark G. Pomar, Cold War...
The Office of War Information (OWI) and the Voice of America (VOA) during the Second World War would have been the closest model for comparison to the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB), an advisory board of the United States...
Disinformation governance by government propaganda experts can be dangerous, judging by the record of the early officials in charge of the Voice of America and journalists duped by Soviet propaganda. Voice of America, New York, QSL card circa 1940s...
Ukraine is today “the area of decision between Russia and the Free World” and “the one big problem” for Russia’s ex-KGB leader Vladimir Putin. Ukraine is today “the area of decision between Russia and the Free World” and “the one big problem” for...
Cold War Radio Museum 80 years ago today, on February 1, 1942, the first Voice of America (VOA) radio broadcast in German may have gone on the air. There has been some uncertainty as to the exact date when in February 1942. Moreover, for the...
— Nelson Poynter, U.S. Office of the Coordinator of Information, January 11, 1942 Cold War Radio Museum “To sell the religion of democracy” is believed to be the first written though unofficial mission statement describing the purpose of the...
Cold War Radio Museum State Department diplomat and Soviet affairs specialist who was Voice of America director at the time (from October 1949 to September 1952), Foy D. Kohler, denied all the charges of Soviet propaganda influence within the...