My new op-ed in The Hill includes comments on the latest barbaric attacks by Hamas terrorists on Israeli civilians—defenseless Jewish women, children, and the elderly. I discuss the hard-to-understand and explain defense of...
The Office of War Information (OWI) and the Voice of America (VOA) during the Second World War would have been the closest model for comparison to the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB), an advisory board of the United States...
Voice of America (VOA) 1967 USPS stamp First Day Cover (FDC) by philatelic artist Ralph Dyer in the Cold War Radio online virtual museum. The hand-painted First Day Cover (FDC) by philatelic artist Ralph Dyar for the 1967 Voice of America stamp is...
Treated for decades as second-class citizens and denied direct access to wire services by U.S.-born, mostly white, mostly left-leaning, and mostly male Voice of America (VOA) managers and reporters, these VOA immigrant broadcasters, some of them...
Cold War Radio Museum On January 12, 1944, Howard Fast, best-selling author, a Communist Party USA activist, and a future recipient of the Stalin Peace Prize, resigned under pressure from his position as the Voice of America (VOA) chief news...